We’ve provided social graphics and a printable PDF flyer for you to share scholarship information with students, faculty, staff, and your online community so they can take advantage of this opportunity. Thank you for helping us reach prospective GHC Scholars, who could benefit from attending GHC 23!
GHC Scholars Toolkit

Social Media Sample Graphics
Copy + Paste the below copy for your social post, or create your own!
Sample Copy 1:
Receive a #scholarship to virtually attend GHC, the largest gathering of women and non-binary technologists at @AnitaB_org #GHC23! Learn more here: bit.ly/3Z20pnU
Sample Copy 2:
Calling all students, faculty and current boot camp/certification program students: did you know that you can apply to receive a #scholarship to virtually attend @AnitaB_org #GHC23? Apply by May 3: bit.ly/3Z20pnU
Copy + Paste the below copy for your social post, or create your own!
Sample Copy 1:
AnitaB.org offers #scholarships for you to virtually attend the annual Grace Hopper Celebration (GHC), the world’s largest gathering of women and non-binary technologists.
GHC Scholars gain access to career and academic workshops, #networking opportunities, membership benefits, #mentorship programs, and more! Students, faculty, and students in boot camps or other certification programs may apply for one of these opportunities. Deadline to apply is May 3: bit.ly/3Z20pnU
Sample Copy 2:
Did you know? AnitaB.org offers #scholarships for you to virtually attend the annual Grace Hopper Celebration (GHC), the world’s largest gathering of women and non-binary technologists! Scholarship benefits include complimentary GHC 23 virtual registration, premium AnitaB.org Membership Benefits for 1 year and so much more. Start your application now and submit it by May 3! bit.ly/3Z20pnU
GHC Scholars Printable Flyer to Share
Print this flyer and hang in academic common areas or forward it to relevant department administrators for them to print and hang. Scanning the QR code with your phone’s camera will take you to the GHC Scholarship web page.