Elizabeth McCullough

Elizabeth McCullough
Research Director, Clinical & Economic Research, 3M
Elizabeth McCullough is the Director for the Clinical and Economic Research Department of 3M Health Information Systems, Inc. and oversees extensive clinical content research and development projects for Federal and state government agencies as well as commercial project development. Elizabeth C. McCullough’s expertise is creating and refining patient classification models to support health care policy and finance. She directs the department’s largest research contract with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services relating to the design of the Medicare inpatient and outpatient prospective payment system for hospital acute care services, the ICD-10 Procedure Coding System, the Home Health Grouper, and the maintenance of the Diagnosis Related Groups or DRGs.
Ms. McCullough has over thirty years of experience in the development of health care related patient classification models to support health policy analysis and health care finance research. Focused experience in the problem identification, analysis of customer needs and development of alternatives, as well as the design and development of simulation models for research projects related to coding, grouping and editing.
Ms. McCullough joined the Health Information Systems division of 3M in 1996 when the company acquired SOLON Consulting, where she was a system analyst. Her expertise is creating and refining patient classification models to support health care policy and finance. She is a leading expert in payment policy and has managed major payment reform projects for Federal and state governments both domestically and internationally.
She received her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Information Systems/Computer Science/Mathematics at the University of Maryland. She has published extensively and is a frequent speaker on payment policy.