Keeping up With Facebook for GHC 2011

With all of the new features and security options facebook now offers it is difficult to know what your options for staying safe, yet utilizing the social network to its fullest extent. The easiest way to see all of the security features available to you is to check out the info graphic released by facebook below, see the facebook security page for a better view of this graphic.

Which of these security features are important and how can you still be visible professionally while at GHC11? Just remember a few simple guidelines before sharing on our facebook page :

  • Never give your password out to anyone
  • Never post personal or financial information on a wall or discussion, if you need to share this information do it through a direct message
  • Be wary of those with incomplete profiles, on a side note, if you are signing up for a facebook account for GHC11 socializing make sure you complete enough information so that it will be useful to socialize with. More on this in next weeks post.
  • Never make your screen name the same as your email addresses

Do you have some more tips about being safe while social networking on facebook? Post them here in the comments and share.

Until next time!

