Dr. Nuria Oliver

Dr. Nuria Oliver
Technical Leadership Abie Award Winner
Award Description:
The Technical Leadership Abie Award is our most prestigious award and celebrates a woman who led or developed a product, process, or innovation that made a notable impact on business or society.
Eligible nominees must work on projects that require deep technical knowledge and must demonstrate a commitment to increasing the representation of women in technology.
Dr. Nuria Oliver:
Scientific Director of the ELLIS Unit Alicante and Co-Founder and Vice-President of ELLIS – The European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems and Data-Pop Alliance
Internationally recognized technologist with 25 years of research experience in the areas of artificial intelligence, intelligent and interactive systems, personalization, mobile and ubiquitous computing, and Big Data. Fellow of the ACM, the IEEE and the European Association of Artificial Intelligence. Elect member at the Spanish Royal Academy of Engineering, the Academia European and CHI Academy. Advisor to several universities and governments, the European Commission, and the World Economic Forum.
Nuria has made foundational scientific contributions in Artificial Intelligence methods to model human behavior from data, and in the development of intelligent interactive systems to build smart rooms, clothes, cars and phones. She has authored 180+ scientific articles in peer-reviewed top-tier international conferences and journals, cited 19,500+ times per Google Scholar (female computer scientist with highest h-index=63 in Spain). She is the inventor of 41 patents, 6 with 150+ citations each. Her patent on interacting with computers using gestures has 1,100+ citations.
Nuria is the Academic Director of the “Women in Engineering” Project at the Spanish Royal Academy of Engineering. This program has several projects for primary school/
high school students; university students; young engineers and entrepreneurs.
In March 2020, Nuria was appointed Commissioner to the President of the Valencian Government on AI and Data Science against COVID-19.