Lisa Hauser

Lisa Hauser
Educational Advisor/Teacher
CodeArt/Miami Dade County Public Schools
A native of Caracas, Venezuela, Lisa has been a High School Mathematics Teacher in Florida for 20 years and is the creator of Code/Art’s Professional Development program for K-12 teachers to lead creative coding lessons, transforming the way computer science is introduced to students.
The Intro to Creative Coding Professional Development workshop provides art, Career and technical education (CTE) and CS teachers with training, curriculum, and post-training support to lead code-based art lessons in the classroom. No previous computer programming experience is needed for teachers. Each lesson is geared toward inspiring students with the creative possibilities of computer programming, expanding their creativity and teaching them computing skills.
Code/Art has trained over 150 teachers from over 100 schools who have reported teaching Code/Art lessons to 6,765 students. 85% were from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups – 66.5% Hispanic and 18.5% Black.
An introduction to coding skills in art class makes CS accessible to girls who otherwise may not consider taking a CS class. The solution Code/Art offers is one that can easily be adopted and adapted anywhere. It is about leveraging the pedagogy of teachers to make coding attractive to the students in their classroom.