This week, Houston voters defeated an ordinance that would have “prohibited bias in housing, employment, city contracting and business services for 15 protected classes, including race, age, sexual orientation and gender identity.”
This news is upsetting and concerning to and our global community, especially to those based in the Houston area. Though the sentiment is obvious to some, it bears repeating in light of this recent vote: discrimination against any group is unacceptable. is taking a number of steps to address this troubling vote. In the coming days we will:
- Reach out to Houston government officials, the George R. Brown Convention Center management and the Houston Visitor’s Bureau to express our concerns.
- Communicate with Mayor Annise D. Parker, who spoke at the LGBTQ lunch at GHC15, to offer her and the LGBTQ community in Houston our support.
Houston’s diverse population was one of the reasons we chose to host the Grace Hopper Celebration there in 2015 and to return in 2016. We will continue to advocate for diverse, inclusive communities where everyone has the opportunity to thrive, in Houston and around the world.
Stay tuned for regular updates on the GHC blog and ABI’s social media channels.
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