#GHC14 AnitaB.org Community Presence
Community Pavilion
Check out our new home at the AnitaB.org booth. We have so many communities represented this year and it’s great to have them as part of the AnitaB.org family. Please stop by and learn more about Systers and all of our Systers communities.
Systers & Peace Corps Open Source Day Projects
If you didn’t know, Systers started Open Source Day at GHC in Atlanta, Ga GHC 2010. Many thanks to Robin Jeffries, Jen Redman, Teri Oda, and Leslie Hawthorn for kicking things off for what is now a tradition. Systers partnered with Peace Corps this year on our Google Summer of Code program. We are helping Peace Corps volunteers around the world with our technical projects. We are continuing to «pass on» the benefits of being part of Systers at every chance we get. There will be Peace Corps representatives at our community pavilion to tell you about technical and volunteer opportunities at the Peace Corps.
Mentoring Track
Our community is AWESOME! Not only are they engaged in many of our conference tracks, activities and events, they always find time to give back and pay it forward. We’ll have plenty of our community leaders moderating speed mentoring session throughout the day as well as participating as mentors. Passing-It-On!
Lunchtime Table Topics
Need lunch plans at GHC? Stop by lunchtime table topics on Thursday and Friday. Plenty of topic discussions
Stay Connected!
A new track this year is dedicated to helping attendees stay connected and get involved. All of our communities will be represented so be sure to attend the track. The lineup is amazing.
10:15am – 11:15amRemembering Anita Borg Documentary 12:00pm – 1:00pmSysters Creating Change EVERYWHERE Through Community and Technology InitiativesNadyne Richmond (moderator co-chair SAC), Neetu Jain (co-chair SAC), Kayra Hopkins (PIO chair), Ayori Selassie (Best of Systers), and Nicki Hutchens (Systers GSoC org admin)
3:30pm – 4:30pm
Showcasing AnitaB.org Systers Everywhere: Building Strong Globally Connected Communities to Empower Every Woman in Computing EVERYWHEREJulie Mariga (moderator LGBT), Mirkeya Capellan (Latinas), Danielle Cummings (BWiC), Sana Odeh (ArabWiC), and Umit Yalcinalp (TurkishWiC)
5:15pm – 6:15pmExpanding Reach for African and Asian Systers and Women in Computing EVERYWHERERose Robinson (Her Systers Keeper moderator), Jean Njoroge (AfricanWiC), Wei Lin or Qiao Lin Mao (ChineseWiC), Elizabeth Bautista (FilipinasIC), Roshni Chandrashekhar (IndianWiC)
6:15pm – 7:30pmAnitaB.org Community MeetupWe’ll wrap up our track with an AnitaB.org Community meetup and will hear from the following: Marilyn Wulfekuhler (Entrepreneurs), Kate Isaacs (Student ResearcHers), Sheila Campbell or Matthew McAllister (Peace Corps), Linda Kamau (PIO Recipient), Valerie Bubb Fenwick (GHC Community) and Gail Carmichael (Anita’s Quilt)
SAC = Systers Advisory Council
PIO = Pass It On
BWiC = Black Women in Computing
GSoC = Google Summer of Code