There’s exactly 2 weeks until I will be in Phoenix, Arizona attending the Grace Hopper Conference! I can’t believe how fast times flies! There’s so much to do before then – assignments, tests, packing, planning – but it’s going to be here in no time! Having already submitted my resume on the GHC resume database, I’ve already been contacted to meet up with different companies and organizations during the conference (I actually just got another email while writing this post!!). It’s making me so excited for what’s in store! At the same time, I’m also a bit nervous – there is going to be SO many people there, I hope it’s not too overwhelming! And I also don’t want to forgot anything essential at home (Phoenix to Ottawa is a bit of hike!). My plan is to get my school work done asap then start making lists for before and during the conference! Making lists tends to be always be my plan (I love lists.). I just have to remember to relax and enjoy myself – if I miss seeing something or someone, there’s always next year! 🙂