The 2013 version of the Grace Hopper Celebration was a big success. Living up to it’s billing as the world’s largest gathering of women technologists, over 4,750 people from 53 countries attended this multi-day event. GHC was not only bigger but also better, receiving an overall quality rating of 4.52 out of a maximum of 5 and 95% of respondants rated it good or excellent.
Women at all stages of their careers attended the annual event including 1,900 students and over 2,200 women from industry. The University of Minnesota had the largest number of attendees from an academic institution, and Microsoft led the list for company participants.
Keynote addresses from Megan Smith (Vice President, Google[x]), Valerie Taylor (Senior Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, Texas A&M), and a plenary panel with Maria Klawe (President, Harvey Mudd College), Sheryl Sandberg (COO, Facebook) and Telle Whitney (CEO, were all enthusiastically received.
Other highlights included the career fair, technical and professional development related sessions, thought provoking discussions, ABIE award winners and some fantastic parties. Check out the highlights on our Flickr photos and YouTube videos.
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