I’ve attended almost every Grace Hopper since 2008. The one exception was 2011, when I was too pregnant to fly. I found an old blog post about enjoying the conference from afar, where I reflected about being sad to be missing out once the conference started. Since I’ll be missing this year as well, it’s nice to re-read this:
Fortunately, the very thing that I have worked so hard to make awesome when attending GHC in the past is allowing me to enjoy this year’s edition from afar: the online communities.
I have a whole new appreciation for the many awesome posts on attendees‘ blogs and Twitter accounts. While seeing conversations between all the people I am missing out on meeting up with makes me feel sad, I also find myself vibrating with excitement with all the amazing things happening in Portland. From the wonderful keynote speakers to the fantastic panels to the neat e-textile workshop, this conference must be the best one yet.