Tell Us About #WhyWomenCode and #MoreThanWords Allies

Tell Us About #WhyWomenCode and #MoreThanWords Allies

The 2014 Grace Hopper Celebration is breaking records and making history. We are excited to host over 8,000 attendees from more than 60 countries and over 800 organizations, thanks to you – a rapidly growing community passionate about women in technology. The GHC team wants to hear from you, whether you are attending GHC or not, from wherever  you are in the world. Join our hashtag campaigns and share your thoughts on being a woman in tech or on how men can be active allies.

#WhyWomenCode: Why are you passionate about technology?

What technology sector do you work in?  Why are you passionate about your work?  What excites you about it?
Share your story and passion with the world by using #WhyWomenCode.

#MoreThanWords:  How are you an ally?

At, we know that changing tech culture requires effort from men and women. Over the last 20 years, we have seen an increasing number of men come forward as allies. To engage male allies in deeper dialogue, the Grace Hopper Celebration is hosting its first male keynote speaker – Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft, and its first Male Allies Panel and focus group. We want to hear from you, whether you are a woman in tech or a male ally, on what it means to be an ally – not just in word but in action. How do you act as an ally to underrepresented groups in tech? How would you want an ally to support you? Share your story by using the hashtag #MoreThanWords.

Grab a pen and snap a photo! Write your story on a piece of paper with the hashtag. Then, take a photo and upload it to social media with the #hashtags on Monday, October 6.
Download and print our hashtag signs here.2014-10-02 15.13.54


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