James Mickens

James Mickens
Gordon McKay Professor of Computer Science, Harvard University
James Mickens is a Gordon McKay Professor of Computer Science at Harvard University. His research focuses on the performance, security, and robustness of large-scale distributed systems. Prior to becoming a professor at Harvard, Dr. Mickens spent seven years at Microsoft Research; he was also a visiting professor at MIT. At Harvard, he serves on the Board of Directors for the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society. He is also a Faculty Co-chair for Harvard’s Embedded EthiCS program, which strives to incorporate ethical considerations into computer science curricula. All of that being said, in the modern era, James Mickens spends most of his time trying to avoid unnecessary Zoom meetings. In the pre-modern era, he spent most of his time trying to avoid unnecessary in-person meetings. James Mickens’ spirit animal is a Pokemon that cannot attend meetings. Society will eventually realize his genius and give him a Nobel Peace Prize. James Mickens will not attend the award meeting.